
By mummyandgirl

A girl, a mama, a duck....

... And a rainbow unicorn slider..... Don't even ask.

I didn't hear much from her this evening, I had given up hope of talking to her actually. But then at 830, I got a voice message chatting happily and saying she'd been told she could call me for a bit - even though it was after go up to bed time. I haven't spoken to her since Sunday so it was lovely and it was one of our best pbonecalls. She was rather proud to show me her lego and how she's allowed to spread it over a table in the office on her own and has a special shelf just for her lego that everyone knows is not to be touched. Lego time has had an impact for her already. Between that and a few other things they're putting in place, I could see a difference in her. 

She'd had a brilliant time at Jazz ensemble - she's permanently first saxophone now and said it was "really really fun". She'd been for boarders swimming after prep, which always makes her happy. Swimming every week is a very good thing for her and a helpful positive of school life. 

While we were on the phone, her house parent was trying to help her figure out what had happened to the amazon parcel that has apparently been delivered, containing the 25m roll of yellow ribbon that I have sent to the whole y7 girls to use for yellow day tomorrow. She was excitedly telling me what they've all planned to do with it in their hair.

She was very very tired when we spoke, to the point her speech was almost slurred. In a sweet way though. She was snuggly and "kissing" me and showed me the fluffy unicorn sliders and just sweet. In her voice message before we called she was struggling to string together a sentence, it was quite funny. But she was.... lighter.... It was very lovely to see and hear. 

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