A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Cookie-cake and milk

Eeeerin's back! And she came with goodies :) Millies cookie-cake :)

First day working at this year's Easter playscheme. I naively forgot just how utterly draining it is! However, fun was had along the way and the snow was the light fluffy stuff that doesn't get in the way too much :)

Had planned on getting some work done this evening, however by the time I had taken the bins out (including a huge pile of post-dissertation recycling - So many drafts...!), tidied my room and made myself dinner I was bushed. So instead it was a little while of photo sorting & uploading - keeping the backlog to a minimum :)

Safe to say, today was the perfect day to be greeted with a bright & tasty little treat! :)

IPE conference at uni tomorrow, shouldn't be quite so tiring so hopefully I will get some work done during the breaks and at the end of the day.

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