Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Every art gallery in London I went to I got a post card. I love Tracy Emin and Bowie, Sarah Lucas and Andy Warhol. They're all up there, to join them soon will be Sam Taylor-Wood and others.

Diet update: I only lost a pound yesterday but I'm not disheartened as Mum has made malteser ice cream for 3 syns a portion. I will be eating it.

Well, after putting it off twice and pretending it was never going to happen; I finally had my first ever driving lesson. Oh my god, it was one of the most scariest things I've ever had to do. I honestly dont know how people know everything with the clutch and the bite and the gas. Yeesh, so much to learn I just dont know! I'm sure it can only get easier from here.

School was okay today, I'm finding more interest in my subjects but I haven't had art this week because of the GCSE exams going on so I havent done art in 2 weeks with me being ill and my sketchbook is in the art room so obviously my excuses are there. Obviously.

I hope you are all doing well

Happy Blipping.

I don't know about you but I'm feelin' 22.

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