Turbo charged

Thursday 7th October 2021

Having driven over the Pennines last night I was still able to join in our Clergy Study Day today as it was on Zoom. That finished at 3.15pm, which now gives me the rest of this evening to set up mum's new laptop. Her other had ground almost to a halt and I kept getting told "this computer is so slow." I had taken it home to get it checked out but the verdict had been a new one was needed. 

The new one is a good specification and therefore turbo charged in comparison. When I turned it on it also updated itself to Windows 11. You can't get much more up-to-date than that! I think we've gone from Fiesta to BMW (other model examples are available!)

Not bad to be wanting a new laptop at 94yrs! I hope I'm still enjoying using one at that age. This photo shows her looking "excited" but "nervous" may be more accurate. I'm trying to set it up to replicate the other as best I can. 

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