Something happening?

Every morning, when Mr A opens the bedroom curtains (it is indeed always he), I await with baited breath to hear whether the buildings opposite have suddenly sprouted overnight… Of course, in practice, when they arrive finally to build on that site, they won’t arrive at 6.30am, but will roll in at some point during the day with their portacabins, and will settle in to have a leisurely brew. Or alternatively, people might just start arriving in dribs and drabs to do various bits. This car was parked on the site for most of the day, and I was lucky this afternoon to catch the workmen as they left, because we couldn’t see them on the site. In retrospect, they were probably over by the river, perhaps checking on trees, or doing a tree survey, as I think some of the trees will come down as they develop the site and also create a new mini park area and amenity overlooking the river. This does have the potential to be quite nice.

Anyway, it got me a blip, and relegated my extra, which is a first edition of the winter sunrise, although in practice the sun is still rising behind the NHS building. But the light and the silhouette was good.

Luckily I managed to spend a bit of time first thing on the spinning bike, and in fact marginally improved by personal best for 45 minutes. Then I was straight in to loads of meetings, of varying degrees of difficulty, and quite a lot of emailing. This kept me busy until after 5pm, at which point I took a break and went and sat in the park for 10-15 minutes resting my eyes, before heading back and getting on with an evening shift, which was ongoing until a few minutes ago. But at last, I do feel like I have managed to finish everything that was slated for today, plus a bunch of things that arrived unexpectedly.

I didn’t sleep well last night (although my Fitbit begs to differ on this point and awarded me 7 hours sleep which is nonsense as I woke up at 3am with stuff in my head and didn’t really get back to sleep after that), so I shall be retreating to my bed very early today.

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