Fishing at the turn of the tide.

One more week of working remotely. Totally fed up with the computer screen and the programme with its idiosyncrasies. At least today was only half a day of work, although as this is my call week, I stand to get phone calls later on and then over the weekend as well. I don't mind, as its something I can do which eases anxieties for the staff and ensures that due legal process is followed. 

took a run along the edge of the bay out from Snells Beach, and was lucky to be able to watch a couple of Takapu (Australasian gannets) flying back and forth above the water out in the bay from the low tide mark. I tried to get a photo of the birds diving; first one was too soon (just as the Takapu turned and dived), the second was too late (just a big splash of water), and the third was almost at the right time but just a blur.

Instead I am blipping one of the two Takapu gliding past above me.

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