River of Flowers

By doffy

Friday: Clouds

The Builders arrived before I’d had my breakfast - chimney has been rendered and pebble-dashed. In Welsh I think the term for pebble-dashing is “chwipio” literally “whipping” … I made us all a coffee :-))
Very warm, around 17°C at lunchtime.
Gardening job: started pruning Weigelia opposite living room window. Black leaved elderflower still has berries which the birds are eating, pruning can wait! Finished cleaning the top path by shovelling all the dead leaves and soil back onto the garden, The Robin found lots of tasty snacks :-))
Bumble bees and wasps still around and enjoying the sunshine and late flowers.
I heard The Shoot across the valley, friends of mine earn their living from this activity but every Autumn it fills me with dread :-((
Late afternoon I was sitting in the garden, watching the clouds and I saw 6 small birds high up in the sky - swallows, still here! I’d seen a small group of Starlings this morning too, the seasonal changes always amaze!
Enjoy your weekend x
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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