Our Town...

...has some very pleasant corners. This is looking across a park, up to the Archive building, which houses national, county and local archives. It is built in the same style as  military barracks from the late 1800's but I know nothing of the building's history. Sweden is one of the most archived countries in the world. The state started an official organisation of the archives in 1618, but they had been at it for a long while before that. There are 10 km of full shelves in that building! Nowadays of course much of it is digital. I have looked up our house on the web and seen the original deeds from 1920, and all the important happenings thereafter.
The football pitches are used throughout the summer, and in winter it's a great place to go sledging. There's also a frisbee course(?) among the trees on the right.
Rose lives just above the archives and the extra shows the tree outside her house, though it's mostly her neighbour's front yard you see.
We finished the day seeing the latest James Bond film - great fun!

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