Domestic Interior Wonky Beardy Selfie

The weather forecast had predicted a few days of Indian summer conditions with plenty of sunshine but today instead we got a combination of heavy grey clouds and humidity with the sun conspicuously absent.
This seemed to give me the blip equivalent of writer's block and I couldn't conjure up any ideas for today's image so I resorted to an indoor selfie. I don't have a smart phone so I had to use my rather heavy old Nikon, click the shutter and hope for the best. I had no idea if it would even focus properly. For some reason I seemed to think that my selfie needed accoutrements hence the bowler hat and the dark glasses. My glum expression perfectly matched the weather! :-) or should that be :-( !
When I looked at the result I could see that nearly everything was wonky - the background, the bowler hat, the sunglasses and even my beard. I was going to try and take it again but decided a quite liked the wonkiness!

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