Sunshine On Leaf

Today got off to a rather strange start. We've heard a mouse scrabbling about in the kitchen for a few days and just before I was about to take my brother up to the station he shouted upstairs to me as he had just found the mouse contentedly nestled in a packet of Ultimate Hearty & Rich ultra-thick porridge oats - it obviously likes the finer breakfast things in life!
It was very small and actually rather cute but just as we were about to put it back outside it made a huge leap out of its porridge environment, making us jump, and sprinted off into our living room. I'm sure it will make its presence known again soon - in the meantime we're hiding any cereal based products! Unfortunately I was far too slow to get a shot of the little blighter.
Today's image is another lazy man's blip I'm afraid. It was a gloriously sunny day today and this shaft of light illuminated what appears to be one of the very first fallen autumnal leaves of the year as I was sitting out in the garden reading my book.

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