
By SilverImages


“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add colour to my sunset sky."
Rabindranath Tagore 

K1 and I decided on another walk, to Morissen, about 40 mins down the valley. R drove us up nearly to the reservoir high above so our walk would be mostly downhill. It was very much just a walk, no purpose other than to enjoy the vistas up and down the valley from high up. Very little traffic on the mountain road, occasional farm vehicles and, of all things, a ready-mix wagon! Tractors were haymaking at impossible angles on the steep slopes with ease, the rich pastures home to a wide variety of multi-coloured butterflies. There were the usual Red Kites prospecting – with maybe an Eagle or two thrown in (I thought they were too big to be buzzards). We topped up with water from the local fountain at Morissen and made our way back through the woodland to Vella in time for an afternoon snooze before dinner. The late afternoon skyscape from the terrace was brilliant, an appetiser for the Milky Way display later.

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