Early start

Well I was stripping someone's bed at just after 3am this morning. I tried to get back to sleep but the Jedi woke at 4am with his cold. He wouldn't settle back over. So we snuck downstairs before he woke anyone else up. He was back down for his nap by half 6. 

Harp had her tap and ballet this morning. She has so much enthusiasm and absolutely loves it. 

We had a visit to nana and grandad today for a few hours. I have had a few extra coffees to keep me awake. Mr R will put the Wildlings to bed tonight and I will make dinner. I am having a massive treat. I don't eat much meat and the last time I had this was for mother's Day. A big T bone steak. I must admit ( and float my own boat ), I cook a awesome steak. And I'm still doing well with my weight loss so I'm looking forward to dinner. 

I may struggle to catch up tonight as I plan on going to bed as soon as I can. X 

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