Our day.

Well little Carson is completely bunged up with the cold but copes so well when the calpol has kicked in. Isn't it a great medicine. 

The oil photo is from when Harp was playing with food colouring and oil to see what happens to it. She loves science. 

We did some art this morning when the Jedi was napping. My giraffe will be for cards' and mugs. 

The bigger boy's had a good day at school. Xander won his sumdog competition. I'm so pleased with him. He's put a lot of work in this week with sumdog and worked on his spelling at least four times a day . I'll get him a wee treat tomorrow. Lincoln made a crown at school and has wore it since he came home . He has a great imagination. 

It's now the school holidays. My wildlings won't sleep any longer in the mornings ;-). 

Have a lovely weekend blip world. X 

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