New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Turbines and Tinto

It was a lovely autumn morning today so I got out on the bike for a bit of an explore whilst Pete slept off his night shift.  Set off down the Clyde Valley then went up a couple of very Yorkshire-ish hills, came across the first hill I had to push some of the way up in a long time (I blame the Parkrun legs!) and stopped for a Nine bar at the gates of Craignethan Castle. 

The castle is seasonal and so usually shut in October, but it hasn't opened since the first lockdown as it looks like Historic Scotland have been prioritising their sites.  I did consider trying to squeeze my bike through the pedestrian gate and taking a look but decided agaisnt it and just thought I'd come for a proper explore when it was open.

Today's blip is of some of the many turbines in the area with Tinto hill in the background.  Tinto is apparently a rite of passage to become truly local so we'll have to have a go if we get a good day.  I like how the bottom of the turbines have been painted different shades of green to make them less obstrusive in the fields.

Also found a lovely little farm with pigs in the cutely named Tillietudlem and had a buzzard fly overhead on the home stretch.  Must remember to tell P about the pigs.

Today's Soundtrack: The Death of Us by Theo Katzman

Today's Soundtrack:

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