
By mummyandgirl

“My friend did my hair”

..... so she sent me a photo. They had morning Eucharist today before brunch. Which she still very much disapproves of. She was, however, very excited to be going for a walk with Nia this afternoon before her practice time. Nias mum sent me a photo of a very sweet note katie gave nia, thanking her for looking out for her. Apparently, Nia loaded Katie up with a huge pile of sweets for her tuck box - Katie has been victim of some tuck box theft this past week, so that will have pleased her to make up for her lost items! I'm looking for a little box with a code though, sadly. 

I haven’t spoken to her today - she went from practice to tea to prep and then they told them to put devices away when she’d planned to call me. She’s trying so hard to get her head round her prep timetable and prioritising. It’s a challenge for her and I’m not sure they give them anything like the support a parent at home would give them, but she’s doing so well.

We are both counting down to half term now. She’s home in 5 sleeps!

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