star petal?

Alas, a long-beloved gardening store in the region, Behnke's Nursery, closed in 2019 after 89 years. I checked out a store that ... had very little. But the man I met there gave me secret information about a great place to go near Baltimore where I could probably find everything my heart desires. Based on my shoelaces he felt we were compatible spirits. Inspired by my camera he told me a story about protesting the war in Vietnam. 

The next shop either had everything or had heard of everything (drat Covid supply chain disruptions). It was so busy they had two people to manage people parking. 

Check out the crazy petals on this flower! Spin Top Copper Sun Gaillardia aristata.

I have Japanese painted ferms in my yard. I bought one way back when, it was very happy and has been making babies all over, so I don't need to buy more. The store had one just like it, but bigger, named Godzilla!

I moved my flagstones where I think they should go now and walked the new path to estimate how many more I think I need. 

Meanwhile, we have terrible news. Karen was so concerned about the tree looming over our home that she had an arborist come out. The tree in back that is touching our neighbor's house and is held together with wires ....the half reaching out too far and endangering us has lush green leaves. The one more upright, that could possibly continue to stay if the other limb were cut off ..... does not have lush green leaves. It may be that the entire tree, home to squirrels and birds, has to go. In lieu of donations, flowers may be sent to....

Speaking of flowers, I may have sun on my deck as a result, and more sun on my roof. 

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