
The day started well when I had a coffee with #2 daughter who is on a week’s holiday. She wasn’t lingering because she had friends coming for lunch and so I walked with her to buy beetroot and parsnips for soup at a small corner store full of exotic vegetables and other high price end groceries. I left her to go and get my shopping at Lidl.

Still, in mitigation of her choice, I’m not sure Lidl stock the freshly baked sourdough bread she wanted to accompany the soup and they might not have had the beetroot…….or the parsnips. You never quite know what’s available there.

For the first time in many weeks, I passed the now defunct Sick Kids’ Hospital in Sciennes Road and found the additions to the original red sandstone building being demolished. Apparently that space will be occupied by yet more student housing and some affordable housing while the red sandstone building will be converted into luxury flats. At least there is no mention of another hotel, for which we must be truly grateful.

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