Movin’ Out

This is our living room at 10 o’clock this morning, after removing the curtains, TV and it’s wall mounting and any bit of furniture small enough to get up a ladder into the loft (see below for details of where the settee has gone!) There had been a worrying last minute phone call from the decorators saying one of their blokes had phoned in sick. I thought that the next part of that sentence might be “so we’re postponing the job” but, thankfully, a replacement had been sourced. As he was coming all the way from Dumfries though, he arrived a bit later than planned.
And we threw him right in at the deep end, helping me move the corner settee into the kitchen, ready for collection later. We “persuaded” him that if he helped us then it would be one less bit of furniture for him to work around!
Anyway, I’d shifted everything else in the house I could think of into the loft, garage or boot of my car, filled every hole I could find and loosened off any fitting I wanted them to paint behind rather than just around. I’ll be intrigued to see what has been accomplished by the time we get back on Thursday afternoon. All I’ve asked is that we can access the bed that night!
We have wended our way down to Oxford. A slight detour to IKEA Warrington, to purchase a filing cabinet, and a slightly longer detour then to Chester to leave it at the flat. No point in lugging flat pack cartons around the country if you don’t have to.
We are staying in a small hotel just south of Oxford. Seems quite nice and it has good reviews for breakfast, so looking forward to that tomorrow. Then we are going to spend a cultural day wandering around the city centre and universities. There is a Park & Ride fairly close and £6.80 seems quite reasonable for parking and return bus fare for two of us.
The only drawback so far is that neither the hotel or any pubs nearby serve food on Mondays. We will have to travel further afield if we want to eat anything other than a bag of Hula Hoops and two complimentary Shortbread biscuits tonight!

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