Feed The Birds

The highlights(?) of today were a gym workout and a haircut. Neither of which produced any interesting photo opportunities. So I’m cheating by using a photo I actually took yesterday whilst in Bowness.
I was standing by the lake looking at the various birds - swans, geese and assorted gulls - which were all minding their own business just floating on the water near the shore. Then this chap turns up with a box of wild bird food and it suddenly looked like a scene from “The Birds”, as he was surrounded on all sides by our feathered friends.
And they were not playing nicely. Not content with pecking the chap every time he reached into his box - literally biting the hand that was feeding them - the swans were not averse to attacking each other if they thought one was getting more than their fair share of the food on offer!
The chap remained good natured though, no blood was spilt and the birds all went back into the lake once the box was empty and there was no more food to be had.
Quite an entertaining ten minutes!

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