Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


M and I headed home today but had enough time between trains in Edinburgh to power walk over to the Scottish National Portrait Gallery and have a quick look at the Modern Portrait gallery (where I was particularly taken with the astonishing work of Ken Currie and the ‘Ruined: Reinventing Scottish History’ exhibition, which was fascinating This exhibition was produced with young people who don’t traditionally visit museums and galleries because they feel they don’t belong in them and aren’t represented within them. Well worth seeing. The figure here is located in the gallery entrance. I find it very disturbing but also compelling. A rather somber note after all the beautiful sights we’ve seen over the last fortnight.

I wish we’d had more time, not only to see more of the gallery, but to mooch around the city and meet up with some of my Edinburgh Blip chums. Next time, I hope!

My final musical selection for this trip is ‘Old Rock N Roll’ by Young Fathers, an Edinburgh band who perfectly illustrate a diverse and still under-represented Scotland

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