Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Sun Salutation

I took part in my first in-person community engagement event in 18 months today and it was a big shock to the system after all the online focus groups and webinars that I’ve become so used to.

We held a Mental Health Market in Liverpool One (the main shopping area in the city centre) and I was on my feet from 8am to 6pm, and talking to actual human beings for all that time. What a sensory overload!

Big thanks to my colleague Steph who coordinated the whole thing, including the choirs, yoga and dance sessions. Here’s Pei from Movema leading a dance session. This woman can bust some serious moves!

And the sun came out too!

What song could be more appropriate than ‘Good Day Sunshine’ by the little-known Liverpool beat combo The Beatles?

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