And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

south bay

A long night I wont bore you with the details but it wasn't very nice :( it resulted in me sleeping in and rushing with a limp to WW with just washed hair which I didn't dry the night before so yer I looked pretty special ahaha It wouldn't have been as bad if I thought I had lost but I wasn't very hopeful with doing no exercise. Any way I got on the scales and I stayed the same so im happy with that *sort of*

Got myself in a bit of a tizz yesterday with it all, last night and today the pain has been at its worst so im sat here stoned on god knows what while Daves in the garden probably getting away from me haha

so I have decided not to fight it any longer and just rest this stupid hip, It wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't scared to death of going outside but I am now I no all my trials are going to start again just when I was getting on top of things it just doesn't feel fare and yer im feeling sorry for myself can you tell hehe so we went for breakfast after WW and then on to the beach but I just sat in the car or lent on the railings taking photos waiting for Dave and Ash to return. Ash kept looking at me wanting me to come :(

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