Skydiving Double

After many postponements due to LongLegs’ surgery plus Covid, the day for Elbows and LongLegs to finally do their skydives for Barts Hospital Charity arrived.

It was nice for them that Dot.T had done one 3 weeks earlier.

In London, it was grey and raining. It wasn’t cancelled. So we drove North, and as we did, the skies cleared a bit and it looked more hopeful.

But, from their reports afterwards, falling through thick cloud at 120mph isn’t as fun as clear open blue sky. You’re totally blind. You can’t see anything for reference, the noise is deafening and a little terrifying. So they are full of exhilaration for completing it; relieved it’s done; have no intention of ever doing it again; and thankful for safe landing.

LongLegs’ parachute got twisted. His guide struggled to untangle it and was a few seconds away from cutting it loose and relying on the smaller reserve chute. :-0

I have been saying over the last couple of weeks that I’d rather jump out of a plane than run a marathon. Hmmm. Now I don’t want to do either.

We’ve been reading and watching everything put out there about David Amess. We like the way he’s being described by everyone. He really was quite special.

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