The day to start is today

By Traci

It's hard to make a comeback

when you haven't been anywhere

SO Easter flowers are sorted and ready to go into work tomorrow for a few special peeps. Nothing more satisfying than delivering a few thank yous. Of course useful for a blip too.

The personal timetable this week has been to the minute, from one thing to another and when I got home yesterday after hubby who was on late shift, I realised that I need to get a wriggle on with this catching up and sorting out. It won't go away no matter how tightly I close my eyes and then wish really really hard - it is still all there when I open them again.

Great day today at school we had a Poetry prowl where all the parents were invited to join us on a tour around the school and see each class perform a piece of chosen poetry in their classrooms. From the Jabawocky (my fav - well done year 5, but don't tell my own class ... it was probably the extensive practise that meant the Jungle had just Rumbled too much ) to a lonely daffodil, it was all beautifully rehearsed and very much appreciated by our visitors.

I think I may be catching up a few back blips over this coming weekend (whoop) where there is nothing in the diary apart from a friend of youngest's is sleeping over, and as she is absolutely gorgeous, even that won't spoil a much needed 'Do not disturb' easter weekend.

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