
By thespotlightkid

European Factories at Canton

I went to London yesterday to attend a function in thee afternoon and took the morning off to visit the National Maritime Museum. I mainly went for the Ansel Adams exhibition, which is excellent - it's on for another month - but also had a quick look at some of the permanent exhibits. I enjoyed the section on the East India Company and China, which had loads of good paintings and objects to illustrate the dubious history of British interests in the orient.

This detail from a painting by William Daniell of about 1790 shows the European factories (warehouses) at Canton, which was then the only port in China open to Europeans for trade. The British determination to open more ports, mostly for shipping illegal opium, resulted in the 'opium wars' with China and all that followed. In 1840 Gladstone said of the first opium war: 'a war more unjust in its origins, a war more cover this country with disgrace, I do not know and have not read of'.

Afterwards to a reception at the House of Lords, sadly without a photographic permit. Today was my last day at work so I don't suppose I'll be going to any more fancy receptions.

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