
Lily will balance on the edge of the sofa if it means she can come over and see what you’re doing.
We had a slightly stressful start to the day with a text message saying ‘Emergency SOS. Poppy Donnan has made an emergency call from this approximate location.’ This threw D and I into a panic as we tried to get hold of her but couldn’t. She eventually rang us from the bus in a terrible state to say that her phone had frozen and she’d accidentally sent out the SOS message and also phoned the police! She was terrified she was going to be in trouble with the law but we managed to calm her down, send her instructions on how to unfreeze her phone and convince her to stay on the bus. She sent me several messages over the next hour, saying how she wanted to come home and that her anxiety was really bad. My instinct was to jump in the car and go and get her but I knew that this wasn’t going to be the best thing in the long run so persuaded her to stay and after break she text to say that she had spoken to her friends and was feeling a bit better. All seems well this evening.

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