Sun's Up

It was an early start this morning as The Boss wanted to walk the mountain before morning coffee time and The Bossess had a meeting or three and I had the very important job of deciding to go with The Boss up the mountain, not that it was a difficult decision. He always carries his sling camera bag up the hill but this morning it was a light weight trip with Iphone only as he had already got the blip of the day before breakfast. The Boss actually loves getting a blip before breakfast as it means that the rest of the day is blip worry free NOT that he worries about it as many days he has more than one image that would do but he is such a fussy fotographer and always likes to do his best. I was delighted about the hill and sang loudly all the way in Suzz. Cantata for excited dog and driver in D flat major I recall.

Sunrises are fairly common here but I really liked this one with the contrasts between verticals and horizontals which was the same as The Boss when he had to lean out his studio window to get the shot...Quite a looong way I thought using live view on the back of the camera of course.

Bigger if you like. I'm easy.

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