At Eely Point

This is the other side of the lake from where we live. It takes ages to walk there but through the modern miracle of Hot Cross Buns from The Lovely L and zoom lenses I am able to show you this today.
The Hot Cross buns were actually Spicy fruit ones and I could smell them the minute L walked thru the door. I could smell them as The Boss took them across the kitchen to a "Safer" place AND I could still smell them when they were duly installed behind the pantry door in the "safer" place BUT I have never learnt to get that door open. This goes to prove the worth of a proper education that all pups should pursue with vigour but which regrettably I missed out on. It was not in the silly-bus for puppy training but by golly sniff sniff sniff it should there!

Oh and The Boss needed the spicy fruit buns to get enough energy to take me and his camera out and fit the zoom lens on it, just in case you were wondering...OK?

It was at Eely Point 12 or so years ago that The Boss and Bossess decided to up anchor in Christchurch and move to Wanaka. Boy am I glad they did as I hate to think where I might bee now if they hadn't come South...So to bark. Thanks Guys!

Oh and I met a small horse on tonight's walk. It ran over and gruffed at me and The Boss offered it MY STICK!....But it's owner said that it didn't do sticks and further more was a Great Dane not a horse so I didn't bark at it and it went off and got a dead rabbit. Ugggg! Revolting. You wouldn't find me doing that... Much prefer spicy fruit buns.

Is it a plane? Is it a bird...Better have a look.

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