Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Colombia - Day 7

This morning we left the lodge at 7:30 to make the 45 minute drive up into Nevado del Ruiz National Park at something around 13,000 feet.  I was very cold and windy and our target species, the Buffy Helmetcrest hummingbird was elusive, putting it mildly.  Lots of standing around, trying to spot a tiny hummingbird over a vast amount of land.  Not that we were bored - an Andean Condor was spotted soaring way up high which was a thrill. And several different raptor species were also seen kettling over us.  Just before 11, the target was spotted and shutters were whirring.  After that, everyone had the choice to return to the lodge for lunch and photographing the hummers there or to stay and try to get some more Buffy Helmetcrest shots.  I chose to stay, along with our trip coordinator/head guide.  And, boy, did we have a great afternoon!  

The Buffy Helmetcrest is an endemic species to Columbia and is only found at very high elevations.  It is on the Red List as a vulnerable species.  They are notoriously hard to find so I feel privileged to have been granted multiple looks at this wonderful creature.  I wish the images had been a bit sharper, but it was cold and windy and the light was very low, so...

Tomorrow we are off to the Choco region of Columbia which is known for its birds.  It will also be a lower altitude and warmer (yay).

I must say that this trip has been so much more than I could ever have imagined.  Not only have I seen some amazing birds and met some wonderful people, but I've had time to just "be".  I've completely tuned out all news, left all my worries behind, and have been focusing on just being totally present each and every moment.  I think I needed this moe than I knew.

Thank you so much for all the comments, hearts and stars - and for bearing with my lack of comments.  


PS  two more shots in Extra - one of me wearing about 100 layers of clothes and one a view from the Park

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