Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A golden weathered Horse chestnut leaf.

The Feast Day of St. Acca
The morning is lighter and it is a shade milder. The amber windswept Beech and Oak leaves are very sodden around the streets, adding to the damp Autumnal atmosphere. A few local windows display Halloween imagery. Arthur was in good voice at 6am and Paul fed him and gave him his Loxicom for his arthritis pain relief.
The Horse Chestnut leaf in my blip today, comes from the sapling I grew from a conker. I have photographed the little tree from the first sticky buds in the Spring. It already has a big bud for next year. The cycle of Nature is so wonderful.
I have not gained any extra weight after my long walk yesterday. I have exchanged snacking on ginger biscuits for dried mango pieces. It is delicious and 30g is a good amount of sweetness.
I will do my housework, read, crochet, take a walk and go out for some Scottish Blend tea bags. I used to enjoy Yorkshire tea until I discovered Scottish Blend which is perfect with Oatly Whole milk.
Have a lovely day blip friend and thanks for dropping by.

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