
By XSworld

Insectum invidia

As humans we are always trying to find our way. Who are we and what is right thing for us to do with our lives as thinking human beings that are aware of the million possibilities life has to offer. This plethora of possibilities is a question that can cause a crisis in adolescence and continue throughout adulthood concerning small questions (what to wear, to eat, to say and when to go to sleep) or big questions (where to live, which career path to take or whom to marry) and it can end with an ulcer and a huge personal pharmacy. That is why I sometimes envy insects! Think of the larva that that has been programmed by millions of years of evolution to crawl up exactly that type of tree where the green leaves are going to have black dots, so better also display them on the green larvae-body to be less visible to predators. The larvae will become a chrysalis and then the hocus pocus of metamorphosis will transform it into a beautiful butterfly! No decisions, just the right instinct and BINGO!
Just saying!

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