
By XSworld

Two faces..

..of a river. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. One is calm, transparent (extra from a couple of days ago), with a flat mirrorlike surfaces that reflect the sun and the plants on the riverside, makes children and dogs want to jump in and swim and attracts fishermen that stand for hours with their rod hoping for something big to bite on. The other face is colour caffelatte, mean and strong and spares nothing when it rushes down from the valleys, tears down plants and riverbanks. Sometimes houses. A typical torrential river. Once I found a gravestone by my river. After heavy floodings some 25 years ago it had been travelling down the river from a graveyard almost 50km upstream. A few weeks later it was gone, continuing the journey towards the sea. The blip shows my usual walkingpath by the river after the rain today. Once the path curved down gently towards the river exactly at the spot the photo was taken, but last year the river "ate" the slope and half of the path with it, so now the poor plant is growing horizontally over a void of 6m above the impetuous river and the path is dangerously "bleeding".

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