We had some weather today

We had some weather last night too
I know I moan a bit but honestly, it was like a monsoon, torrential rain and strong winds. The garden was underwater and the road covered with it as well.
Last night the toilets started gurgling, always a bad sign. So up and out into the garden with a torch to sort the electric at almost 5am, not a good time of day in October
Back in with damp hair and very wet PJ's, quick change and back to bed where I lay listening to the rain hammering against the window. Gave up just after 6am (still not a good time of day in October) and got up.
When daylight came I could see the garden and drive was covered in large puddles and the allotment was submerged.
More heavy windy showers throughout the morning but its sunshine now. We tried to go out but two of the roads out of the village were flooded so we gave up, it can wait until tomorrow. Having blipped I think I will snooze for the rest of the afternoon, grateful to have survived reasonably well

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