
By Grammy

Honey in the Rough

Sunny and mild all day. Just haven’t felt wonderful this week. I am sure it is the changing seasons. Headache and blah is how I would describe my day. Hubby was up early to cut the grass at church and school. He’s retiring from this volunteer job in hopes we can travel more next year. He is trying to catch up on all outstanding tasks prior to his surgery. I ironed after breakfast but otherwise, have been lazy. Was in and out of the house a few times to get a good photo for my blip and to properly identify it. This plant is a Elaeagnus, silverberry or oleaster, which is a genus of about 50–70 species of flowering plants in the family Elaeagnaceae. Seek also tried to identify it as a thorny olive but I believe the leaves are different. It’s overpowering, sweet fragrance hits you wherever you are in my garage-side lawn. The honey bees certainly love its nectar. The leaves appear diseased but this is how they are supposed to look. The tiny white blooms have tinier brown specks but again, I think that is natural as well. Any experts out there? This shrub was “planted by a bird” in one of my gardens a few years ago and there are others in our neighborhood. It is such a pleasant experience to walk along our lane when they are in bloom. But now that I think of it, that shrub could be the source of my headache since I have that reaction to strong fragrances. We’ll have ham, beans and sweet potatoes for dinner. Hoping to make a pumpkin pie for dessert. Just have to scoot kitties off my lap and get busy. Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe friends. We are contending with COVID and flu this season. “The breath of flowers is far sweeter in the air than in the hand.” – Sir Francis Bacon

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