Life At Dragonfly Cottage

By MaitriLibellule

Sam, my man, sleeping on Mount Mama...

Sampson is one of my 4 rescue pugs. I have adopted a total of ten pugs from the rescue over the years, never having more than 4 at once, but Sam was the 2nd pug I ever adopted and he came to me at 9 having been so badly abused he was absolutely terrified and clung to me like a limpet on a rock. He had already been adopted out once and returned because he was "too needy," for the first people. They said, "Maitri, he's got abandonment issues." I told them that that was fine because so did I and he came and we fell more in love than I ever have with any other animal in my life and I love them all so dearly. He is 14 1/2 now and I've told my beloved vet of 20 years that she better keep him alive until he's 100 because I just can't bear to lose him. But I know his day will come. Some of them I've only had a year or two because I usually adopt the elderly or disabled because no one else wants them but they are the dearest sweetest loves in the world.

I always laugh and tell people I sleep under a pile of pugs. This morning I rolled over on my side and Sam lumbered up there. "I" am "his spot." His front end is on my hip and his back end is on my side. If I am propped up on 2 pillows on my back when I turn over he climbs up on my tummy and tiny blind Penny curls up on top of me on my shoulder with her tiny head nearly under my chin. My little boys, 3 and 6 cling to my side with little faces and paws on me so they, too, are attached.

I tell you, if you ever have a down time or are sad, take a nap under a pile of pugs. It will cure anything. I promise!

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