
By SilverImages


Not till we are lost … do we begin to find ourselves.” 
Henry David Thoreau

Many years ago I fancied a walk on Stiperstones; today I decided to realise that thought. Following directions from a website walk I began at Snailbeach and began the uphill haul past the old lead mine buildings, planning on photographing them on my return. Plenty of great views over the surrounding landscape on the ascent, rounding Shepherd Rock to begin the return. Passing showers necessitated a short rest under trees on the flank of the hill to keep dry, before continuing to follow the track. Somewhere along the way I missed a turn-off – oh to have had a trusty OS map with me, Googlemaps didn’t help. I found myself back on the crest of the ridge, and in the distance could see a village in the valley below, must be Snailbeach surely? I headed for it, following narrow tracks through the bracken down steep slopes. Eventually washed up in Stiperstones, only about three miles away from my starting point! Decided on the only course of action possible, coffee and cake in The Stiperstones Inn before walking back to Snailbeach to get the car – photos of the lead mine will have to wait.

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