Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Day out

Many thanks fir all you lovely best wishes, likes and hearts for my bug birthday yesterday - much appreciated.

Decided to have a day trip out, in lieu of yesterday - went to RHS Wisley. It was lovely, even though we have lived not far from here fir 30+ years, I am ashamed to say we have never been. Mind you the average age of attendees was my age and higher I would say. :)

We were also lucky with the weather today - dry, sunny but on the chilly side. My apologies for the excessive dahlia photos, one of my favourite flowers and they were in abundance (particularly in the trial garden). :)

A lovely relaxing day. Collected the dogs from my sister on the way home, they had missed us. Back to normal routine once home - teatime, then both dogs assumed their position in their bed/my lap! :)


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