twinned with trumpton


The first day of the autumn break.... although there's no rest for the wicked. Boys to school / OT was knocked out and then the holiday began.

Alex came home from school; and after lunch She arrived, knocking off early to take advantage of the decent weather. Whilst it wasn't warm, it was flat and not freezing and good enough to get out on the water without any danger of being pitched into the water by rogue waves and sudden gusts.

I chummed her up the road a bit before returning to dole out food and then the week of football started. Edinburgh City v champions elect Kelty Hertz. A cold evening and soon City were a goal up with their only attack of the half. 2-1 to Kelty at half time become 3-1 and a cricket score seemed likely. However, Citeh steadied the ship and amazingly 3-2 going on 6-1 was the final outcome.

Hot choc was dispensed on our arrival back in the house. 

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