We're going to climb 'Mount Everest'!!!

Those of you who follow our Blips regularly will know that my human likes to have little projects and challenges to work on. During lock down we walked for miles and miles and miles 'cos my owner didn't have anything better to do. However she is still a 'big fat slob' and her flexibility, strength & balance has most definitely declined in the last couple of years because she hasn't been able to go swimming or do any of her fitness classes.

Soooo............... her latest challenge for us, is to climb 'Mount Everest' before Christmas??!!…............Obviously not in real life. Lol!

According to 'Google', Mount Everest is 29,032ft high and on average it takes 2 months to climb.

Ann is going to do it by climbing stairs (with hopefully a dog walk up a hill every day). According to the iphone health app, one flight of stairs (usually 16 stairs) equals 10ft. That's slightly annoying, because to reach our flat on the fourth floor, there are 56 stairs which the 'flights climbed' tracker only records as 3 flights. Grrrrrr..........

If we want to complete the climb before Christmas we have to climb approximately 500ft a day. That means walking up the stairs to our flat 17 times in one day, every day, until Christmas???????? That will most definitely be a challenge for Ann.

We started yesterday and Ann's finding it really, really hard already. Why would we want to walk up 56 stairs (17 times a day) when our block of flats has a perfectly good lift?  But a challenge isn't a challenge unless it's challenging. Lol!!!

This morning I went for my walk in 'Braidburn Valley Park'. Normally we walk along by the burn on one side, cross over the bridge at the end of the park and then walk back along the burn on the other side. Not today. Today when we walked across the bridge at the end of the park, Ann said, 'Trixie, let's go up the hill.' So that is what we did.

…...............And then do you know what happened when we got home? Instead of jumping into the lift, we walked up 56 stairs to our flat and then Ann said, 'Trixie, let's go back downstairs and walk up the stairs again.' Seriously???!!! My human has gone MAD!!! I'd already walked up a hill that I don't normally walk up, I'd exerted a lot of energy playing with a puppy Labrador, I'd played chase with a Spaniel, and when I got home I just wanted my breakfast so that I could fill up my tummy and go back into my bed for a snooze.

Fortunately this afternoon I got left 'home alone' while Ann went off to do a 'M&G'. She was 'Meeting & Greeting' in a first floor flat but the cleaner was still there, so to keep out of the way she trekked a few times up and down the tenement stairs. Normally she'd just sit and browse FB on her ipad.

To be honest, my human isn't really sure if this project is do-able? She's exhausted already and it's only Day 2.

Having said that, our 'flight tracker' app is telling us that we've walked up 67 flights of stairs today. That's 670ft and obv I'll be going out for my bedtime wee later and no doubt have to walk up the stairs afterwards??!!.

We're going to record our 'Everest Climb' on Instagram, mainly because we don't have many followers there (my human hasn't a clue how it works) but we'd like to keep a record of how high we've climbed without boring all our Blip/FB friends.

…..............And that's it for today peeps.

Toodles xxx

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