Guard Chuck

Got our booster jab today, no adverse repercussions as yet, hopefully more protection.
I saw a chicken blip earlier this week and thought I had not pictured my girls for quite some time. So I tried to get myself organised; got the canon out and checked and adjusted all the settings, reconnoitered the area of the shoot, the chicken pen and, to help with posses I salvaged half a cauliflower that was going to be dumped.
I set myself up, waited for the light to be favourable and threw  the cauliflower out for the six girls to feast on, whilst I take photos. 
It was at this point something went wrong. Five chickens rushed and started to tuck into the tasty cauli. The sixth one however just stood in front of me and blocked my route. No matter what angle I tried to get on the others this one just got in the way. I am not sure whether she comes from the United Chickens Union (the UCU) ensuring the girls are not disturbed during meal breaks or is their agent trying to get the girls better pay and herself a larger commission. I did not succumb to this unwarranted pressure so this is the best shot I could get.

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