Cause for (unreasonable) hilarity

Daughter two came round looking for her fancy-dress that she thought was in our loft.
She failed to find what she was looking for but she did find our wedding album that she brought down and looked through with Jayne.  I expected some "ooohs" and "aaahs" and a few "so sweets" or "beautiful's". I did not expect continuous raucous belly laughs, reinforced every time the turned to another page. Comments on the dress sense of the subjects and the amazing overall brownness of everything in the seventies.  I think the lowest point was when I was asked "Gosh - Is that really you?".
Having survived the barrage of abuse I spent some time looking at the pictures and find I must agree with their assessment but I have absolutely no intention of telling them.
Interestingly this picture features 5 blippers although in 1976 they did not know it. I am the handsome one holding the flowers, I am sure the others will identify themselves in the comments.

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