Eas Gobhain

This is the bridge that appeared in the 1959 version of The 39 Steps with Kenneth Moore as Richard Hannay. It spans the Eas Gobhain at the Callander end of Loch Venachar.
I did a pre recce, recce of the circular route around the Loch mainly because I wanted to find out if the detour to the iron age fort was worthwhile, and how long it would take. The views from the top were stunning but unless you were a Iron Age expert I defy anyone to make sense of what is left. It took me 25 minutes going at a fair clip, time we can ill afford in November when it will be dusk around 4.
As ever WalkHighlands underestimate the distance and the time. Going at a steady pace with a lunch stop and three other tea/coffee stops it is much more like 6 hours rather than 5, and nearer 13 miles rather than 12, even allowing for the historical diversion.
It is delightful walk at any time of year, the views of the loch once the leaves have fallen will be even better. It was lovely to see a red squirrel, and the goats at Achray Farm were especially friendly today.

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