
By LadyPride

Queen of Sheba

Some days with babies are tough. Possibly some of the most difficult days I have ever faced in my life.

Most days are at least challenging in one way or another.

But now again, as a mother, a day comes along that just knocks you off your feet with joy. That was the day I just had with Audrey.

This morning she got into bed with us and like a little Queen of Sheba, lay across us both while we gave her her morning bottle. She played happily and contentedly and looked so happy to be with us. It melted us both.

This afternoon, she scampered around the house, climbing and crawling anything and everything. She was just so full of joy. She kept looking at me and giggling mischievously as she went about her business. The business of discovery.

She now waves back at me if I wave at her which might seem like a small thing - but to me, is the biggest news in the world right now. So obsessed with her developmental milestones (and her) am I.

And this evening at the Lead Station with the other babies, she was so present - babbling away, chomping on a chicken goujon and polishing off a plate of fruit. Neither of which she will eat at home. I just sat back beaming at her.

We had a wonderful bathtime and to finish it off, she all but climbed into her grobag and peacefully drifted off to sleep in her cot.

My heart could burst.

I am filing this blip under 'Save for a challenging baby day and read again'....

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