House in Oberprechtal
House in the village. The date stone left of the millstone is inscribed 1755.
Taken on the circular walk today, which took ages despite our not completing it.
We had to return Dusty to the van as there were far too many people out and about for his comfort and we were making little progress. We set off again with Nell but it became clear that she was tired from yesterday's exertions, so we shortcutted home through the village centre.
We will try the cat again later. He enjoys a walk at dusk but we are out for dinner tonight.
Tonight's restaurant is quirky in the extreme. We have been wanting to try it for some time and this is our first successful booking. Looking forward to sampling some top class regional cooking.
Moving on tomorrow, probably to a location that we previously decided not to return to. We're fickle like that
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