Swans at Gailey Pool
More sunlight..........but still bitterly cold. At least it makes a change from grey clouds.
A quick visit to Gailey Pools near junction 12 of the M6. Two very obliging swans came to see if I had any food, only to glide off when they realised I had nothing to give them.
This has a three stop ND grad holding back the sun and sky. I also toned down the reflection in the water as it was way to dominant.
Have taken advantage of a fantastic offer from Nik Software for its full suite (Silver Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, HDR Efex Pro, Viveza, Sharpener and Dfine) on their website. Using the coupon code DZISER you can get the whole lot for about £85. It's an absolute steal. Thanks to JohnGravett's wife for letting people know via FB.
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