Gran Cuddles

Conor and I didn't get much sleep last night. I was either feeding him, or he was crying for a feed, for what seemed like the whole evening and night. So I was shattered this morning and so glad when Gran and Papa appeared about 10 o' clock. I went back to bed for a couple of hours, and Conor slept soundly too. When I got up, Catherine and Ryan were here and we all had lunch. Mum and Dad then took Orla to nursery and kept her for the afternoon. Catherine and I went to the town centre and I registered Conor's birth. When we got home I fed him and then tried to start making my dinner, but he cried as soon as I put him down again. Mum and Dad to the rescue once more - they stayed for a while once they brought Orla back and let me get my dinner and tidy up.

Thanks for everything, don't know what I'd do without you. x

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