
It wasn't necessary for us to travel through Glenshee. Maps had a quicker route for us to get up to Meikle Wartle but interesting - or, in this case - beautiful will always trump efficiency for me and, if I may speak for her, the Minx.

We had set off from Salford mid-morning and enjoyed our journey progressively more the further north we got: humdrum as far as Lancaster; the stunning drive up through south Cumbria acting as an apéritif; and then into the stunning scenery of Scotland.

We have come away for the ninth anniversary of when we met, to stay in a Bothy on the estate of Wardhill Castle. We arrived just before dark, unpacked the car, lit the fire, poured ourselves a drink, and exchanged anniversary gifts.

To be honest, I thought I'd done pretty well, this year, but the Minx absolutely nailed it: three little concrete sculptures of my favourite pieces of Brutalist architecture and, as if that wouldn't have a prize-winner in itself, she's booked us a trip on the sleeper from London to Fort William, a trip that we've often discussed. What a star!

(And, to maintain balance, a little momento mori in my Extras.)

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