And On & On

Veterans Breakfast the morning after the Trafalgar Night Dinner. We all seem to lead lives that are so busy we move from one thing on to the next without really taking the opportunity to fully enjoy each experience. This morning eighteen of us met for breakfast, great company and banter as always but even before the end of the meal we were chatting about the next one, First Poppy Laying, Gig Rowing etc.

Following breakfast it was home to change and then out to Ponsharden to row. With nine declaring an desire to row I thought I might be able to duck out of this session but not to be. With the bare minimum required I enjoyed an hour out on the water. Great fun as always.

Home to change again, no wonder Mrs S is amazed at how quickly the laundry basket fills up, before heading off to the rugby club for today’s home game. Falmouth had high expectations of a win today but sadly not to be. I fear that the loss by 0-17 may be looked on as an improvement from the 40 or 50 point drubbings of recent weeks but it’s just papering over the cracks in a side that is failing in confidence and lacking ability in some areas.
I possibly had more of Skinners new ‘Hellup’ lager than I should have in order to drown my sorrows.

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