Finished at last!

Not a day for outdoor photography …… windy, wet and very gloomy. It was so dark this morning that I had to put on the kitchen light when I went to make my porridge.

It’s patchwork class tonight so before I folded up my newly finished quilt I tried to take a photo …..not the easiest thing to photograph ….. if the grass had been dry I could have spread it outside but that was not an option today so spreading it on the settee was the best I could do.

The extra shot is a closeup of one of the quilting patterns used by Mairi and her long arm quilting machine. I can only quilt in straight lines and because the quilt already had so many straight lines I felt it needed a few curls and swirls.

A festive runner is my current mini project but I have to give some thought to what I will sew in the new year.

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