
By XSworld

Not a quick fix

So, yesterday I said that invertebrates on seedheads were my quick fix in this period. But today I have a different reason to post what seems to be one more replicate photo. On my walk by the river I was approached by the ant-union that I had apparently upset by not representing a single ant in my blips! They took me by surprise, how could they possibly know? Well, it appears that as a community, they are a member of blipfoto and follow the postings of all the members methodically! They even knew I had said (in a post of 19th of October) that children would draw bees as the most important insect. "Nonsense", they said, "have you ever thought about what would happen if there were no ants in the world?" . Well, no I hadn't thought of that. I know there are ants on every continent except antartica (who knows maybe they will find them there too..now with global warming and all) but how important are they? The Union representative cleared his voice  " We Ants are number one predators of other insects. Ergo we keep pest populations low. We ants move the soil, loosening it, Ergo we increase air and water movement in the ground.  We ants decompose of dead insects, plants and animals, ergo we fertilize the soil and recycle nutrients.  We ants can carry up to 100 times our weight and can help plants dispersing the seeds into new areas..." I think he would have continued if I hadn't stopped him and told to climb up to a seedhead for todays blip.

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